I am Shahriyar, currently a student and working on Quantum Computing, AI, ML , Cloud and DevOps.
Terraform commands To check if our syntax is right, use terraform validate terraform fmt file makes the .tf file much more suitable to...
Terraform Providers Official Providers Providers like cloud, local providers are maintained by harshicorp Partner Providers Providers which are...
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Rather than manually set coding environments and needs, we can code that in shell In this way, we can code, manage and...
Scan images for known Vulnerabilities Sometimes a developer can find vulnerabilities and make bad use of it or they can report it to CVE (Common...
Let’s see a general architecture Here the nginx server runs in its own pod within the frontend namespace, then we have our backend API . That’s...
Pod Security Standards and Pod Security Admissions On the KEP 2579, new proposals were made to replace PSP (Pod Security Policy) PSP has been...