Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) : Shell scripting (Part 6)
Creating our first script
Let’s assume that we are about to launch a rocket to lunar/moon
Let’s create a folder called “lunar-mission” . Then create commands like “rocket-add” and then directory name
to add a rocket
In this way, other commands like “rocket-start-power” followed by directory name every single time.
The whole task can be done using a shell script.
Let’s give it a name “” and copy all of the commands
then we can execute that using “bash” command and then the shell script
once done, it will run the script line by line
We can also use this script file as a command. We can just create a file without any .sh extension and then use it as a command.
But here we go! An issue came up as the OS does not know any command by this name.
When a command runs, it looks for that at the $PATH . If it can’t find that, the command does not work
You can now update the path and mention to check the working path (which is /home/michael here)
Because /home/michael location has create-and-launch-rocket file and thus
If you run this one, it works as a command.
To verify if this command actually refers to the script file , we can use this
Here you can see the location of this file.
You may also face this issue
Basically you might not give any execution access (x) to this file. Verify this by ls -l <file location>
As user access us rw, group access is rw and others access is r, we need to add execution access (x) here using chmod
Now we can see we have proper access and the command will work
We can set a variable which can be changed in our code. Here mission_name can be a variable with value “lunar-mission” or, “mars-mission”
We set the value by mission_name= value
and then call that using a $ sign
We can’t use hiphen in a variable name but alphanumeric and underscore is aceepted
We can also save results of commands in a variable
Here, we have rocket-status command which gives 3 results
Now, we can save them in rocket_status variable
here $mission_name has the value lunar-mission. So, these are exactly the same commands.
we save them following this format
variable_name = $(command)
Then we can print the variable according to our wish
Command line argument
Now assume that your have created a script “create-and-launched-rocket” and you ran it first
Then you thought that the mission_name should be changed and you want to set that in your terminal.
You want to set the mission_name after the script name
To do this, you need to modify your script file and use something called command line argument
here in the terminal we have
create-and-launch-rocket saturn-mission
these are referred as $0 and $1.If we can modify the script file now with $1 as the value of the variable, that’s it
Now we can try with our new values for the mission_name
Read Inputs
What if we want to input the mission name
instead of writing it with the command?
To do this, we add read variable_name
in the script
We can also make it better by adding some texts (read -p <prompt> <variable_name>
now if we run this script by using the command, it will take input like this
Arithmetic operations
To use arithmetic operations , use + , -, /, \*
We can also set variable and use these
We can also use double parentheses
We don’t get floating value in general
But we can have it using basic calculator (bc)
Conditional Logic
If Logic
We know that a script might be successful or fail.
for example, we do run thee script lunar-mission and check it’s status
So, if the script fails, we can add a logic in the script
Here, if condition ends with fi (opposite of if), also elif also have then block
This is how we can create blocks for if and elif.
We can also have conditional operators
For Loop
Rather than running commands 7 times, we can use a loop
We can use
for mission in <missions list?
Or, we can list all of the mission names in a text file and then use it in the for loop
Other examples:
we can also set for 0 to 100
In real life, this is how files are installed
We can also check the uptime for the servers listed in servers.txt
While loop
Note: While statement ends with done
Now, assume that the rocket is getting launched and when it’s done, you want to wait 2 seconds and it checks again it that’s loading and waits 2 seconds.
Here is the while code
Real life use case
Case statement
We can have case statements instead of these if , elif, else
Case statement ends with esac(opposite of case)
It can be written as this too (using while )
We used for loop but does this script applies for every shell?
No! For bash shell, it works fine but for shells like sh shell, it does not event know how to expand {0..10} .
In modern devices, Bourne shell (sh) basically refers to Bourne again shell (bash)
he ls -l
shows file permission and location
To run bash files in sh, we call bash and then call the script
But if you need to share the code with someone and the person does not know these difference?
we can just solve this issue by using SHEBANG #!<shell type>
here, in this script, the developer mentioned this !#/bin/bash
and thus this script will run only in bash
Exit codes
When a command is successful, it returns exist status 0 and when failed, it returns other values
To check that value, we can use echo $?
In our rocket script, if the rocket fails to launch, we can individually add exit value to 1 (more than 0) so that, we can always get 1 when this script fails
If we want to use the launch script again and again for different launches, we can use function
we can create a method called launch-rocket() and keep all the code within that.
Now it’s ready to use!
We can now call this function and specify the mission name (as we did set mission_name =$1, once we call the script as a command, it waits for an input which it replaces with $1)
So, this will be the final code for four missions
Another thing is, we did set exit as 1 once the script fails. Now, we are running 4 missions and if one fails, we should not stop our launch.
So, we can set return to 1 so that the function stops for a mission and moves to second mission. Otherwise the whole script would not run if we had exit as 1
We can check that return value like this .
Use cases:
Here we called add method following by 3 and 5
add will look for function add() and once it gets into that, it will look for $1 and $2. Here, $1 means 3 and $2 means 5. Now that will sum up!
If we need to get the summation value and add that as a variable, we can do this
Here we can only get numbers as return value and we need to set a variable using $?
in case of return
Or, we can use normal way
Here echo prints the summation and that value exactly goes to the sum